Coach and Support Staff

Major Program Partner

Program Pathway Partner

Current EOI / Positions Vacant

The South West Sydney Academy of Sport is seeking expressions of interest from suitable applicant's with experience and interest for its upcoming 2024-2025 sport and coach program intake. 

Interested applicants are encouraged to complete an Expression of Interest / Application Form.

Please note if a sport is not listed below, your submission will be treated as an Expression of Interest. You will then be contacted should a position become available.

The following sport programs / positions are seeking Applications: 

Sport ProgramPositionOpenClose
3x3 BasketballCoaching Staff 1 July 202431 July 2024
AFL Women'sCoaching Staff
Squad Manager
1 July 202431 July 2024
BasketballAssistant Coach/s1 July 202431 July 2024
HockeyHead Coach 8 July 202431 July 2024
Indigenous Athlete ProgramIndigenous Touch/Tag Football Coach1 July 202431 July 2024
TriathlonAssistant Coach/s1 July 202431 July 2024
Academy Sport Programs Not ListedExpression of Interest1 July 202430 September 2024

*Former Athletes who are applying for an Apprentice Coach position shall have been a previous athlete within a Regional Academy of Sport program, and must be a minimum of 16 years old. 

*All other Coach and support staff shall be a minimum of 18 years or older. 


Coaching at South West Sydney Academy of Sport

Coach and Support staff form the volunteer backbone of the South West Sydney Academy of Sport in providing the on-field, technical coaching of the Academy's sporting programs.

On average, close to 70 coach and support staff take up the opportunity to form a part of the Academy's Coach program each year. 

The greater majority of Academy coaches are sourced from within the Academy's catchment area, with the bulk of coaches spending multiple years within the program.

As with our Academy athletes, our coaches are active participants within their own sporting communities; with many taking up multiple coach and support roles within their Club and Association organisations, undertaking their local club and representative coaching commitments whilst also coaching within the Academy programs. 

Coach and Support staff should familiarise themselves with the following information prior to applying for a role within the South West Sydney Academy of Sport. 


Background Information

Candidates applying should familiarise themselves with the following key information prior to applying.

  • Coach and Support Staff shall be a minimum of 18 years or older.
    • Unless the applicant is a former athlete, who if applying for an Apprentice / Trainee Coach position, shall have been a previous athlete within a Regional Academy of Sport program, and must be a minimum of 16 years of age.


  • Applications received outside of the published timeframe will be treated as an Expression of Interest, and may not result in the application proceeding should there not be a vacant position.


  • The Academy where practical, appoints coach and support staff on a two-year cycle, with an annual review; as such all positions may not be vacant or 'called for' each year.


  • All applicants will go through a vetting process, which may include consultation with the State Sporting Organisation. As such not all applicants may proceed to an interview.


  • Where possible, unsuccessful applicants will be provided feedback. The Academy reserves the right to appoint coach and support staff it deems are best fit for the Academy program structure, irrespective of the qualifications or experience of the applicant.


  • Unsuccessful applicants may be offered a position within any Academy Community Coach Development and/or Education program.


  • All coach and support staff positions within the Academy are deemed voluntary in nature. Whilst an honorarium may be provided to successful applicants, this amount is discretionary in nature, and should not be the determining factor in applying for a position.


  • Coach and Support Staff are engaged by the Academy, and not the SSO, to participate within the Academy Sport Programs. As such, primary communication regarding any SSO position or MoU expectations is to be conducted through the Academy Sports Program Manager and not directly to the SSO.


  • Coach and Support staff are reminded that the programs of the South West Sydney Academy of Sport form a part of the high-performance pathway programs of the State Sporting Organisation. Therefore, whilst coaches may have the opportunity to impart their own knowledge and drills, and are active in the presentation of the Academy sport program, coaches must adhere to the guidelines and curriculum set down first and foremost by the Academy. Failure to do so will result in the coach or support staff's position not being renewed, or removal from the program.


Time Commitment

The Coach and Support staff time commitment required for each sport program will vary based on a number of factors including, the coaches availability and commitment to their own representative club and sporting programs, as well as the expectations and requirements of the sport program MoU with the sports Governing body.

Programs are however designed to compliment the athlete's representative commitments and competition schedules.

Whilst at the discretion of the program Head Coach, most programs require 3-4 hours each session, with these sessions scheduled on a fortnightly to monthly basis of on-court/field training.

Additional time outside of that training may be required for programming such as preparing training plans, individual athlete performance plans/feedback and attendance at any education or strength and conditioning program requirements outside of the regular training timetable.

The Academy actively encourages and promotes coaches to be involved within a representative club and team environment alongside that of serving the athletes within the Academy Sport Programs.


Accountability and Additional Requirements

Our coach and support staff have a passion for the development of junior athletes within the South West Sydney community, and it is for this reason that we strongly encourage coach and support staff to participate within the Academy's programs, allowing them access to program development and training opportunities with athletes in high-performance pathways, alongside their own club and representative teams training and competition.


Please note all coach and support staff are required to have completed the following courses available on the Sport Integrity Australia e-learning hub, and provide a copy of their Certificate of Learning prior to commencement within the program.


(Access to course content is free via Sport Integrity Australia)


  • Anti-Doping Fundamentals Course
  • Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport Induction
  • Introduction to Illicit Drugs in Sport
  • PBTR - Inclusive Coaching
  • Competition Manipulation and Sports Betting
  • Clean Sport 101
  • Coaches Course (Anti Doping Module)


Coach and Support Staff are also required to participate in additional education (predominately online) and training opportunities provided by the Academy as a part of their ongoing education and professional development. Failure to participate may result in the coaches position being withdrawn.

Ongoing Support and Development

The ongoing support and development of our coaches is made possible by investment in the QUBE Coach Development program. It is this investment into the Academy's coaching staff that allows our athletes to achieve their sporting potential in their chosen arena, whilst promoting a culture of youth, sport and excellence within our community.

Academy coach and support staff attend and often take a lead in facilitating the Academy Sport Program Framework, by conducting practical training sessions, as well as leading in  Sports Science testing and strength and conditioning training.

Our coach and support staff are also encouraged to continue their professional development through opportunities to undertake further training. Such as a higher-level General Principles of Coaching, Sports Trainer accreditation, Advanced Sports Taping and engage in multi-sports sessions, with a view to gaining an understanding in what works well across a number of sports. And coach development opportunities as they become available.  

Our Coach and Support Staff are additionally supported by a Coach Technical and Advisory Group (CTAG), who are available to provide direct technical and tactical advice and mentoring to our coach and support staff, as well as continue to observe current State, National and International  coaching trends, and provide that feedback to the Academy for inclusion throughout the ongoing Coach Development process. Members of the CTAG are highly credentialed and experienced coaching staff within their own right, with significant experience at State, National, and International levels. 

Community Coach and Support staff who are interested in becoming a part of the coach development culture of the South West Sydney Academy of Sport, are invited to check out the Coach Education page or contact the Academy Office with an expression of interest.

Coach and Support Staff Links

Proudly Supported By

Program Education Partner

Program Pathway Support

Program Support Partner

Program Support Partner

Last Updated: 13 June 2024

2/298 Queen St,
NSW 2560

Letters to: PO Box 307 Macarthur
Square NSW 2560