Commitment Statement
The South West Sydney Academy of Sport is committed to the safety and well-being of all children and young people who participate in our activities.
We take seriously our responsibility to deliver a sporting environment that is caring nurturing and safe.
We support the rights of the child and will act at all times to ensure that a child safe environment is maintained.
The Academy opposes all forms of harassment, discrimination and bullying.
We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently.
We have specific policies and procedures in place that support our athletes whilst assisting our staff, board members and volunteers in achieving these commitments.
The Academy is committed to regularly training and educating our coaches, volunteers and staff on child abuse risks.
We are committed to identifying risks early and reducing or removing these risks.
We monitor our coaches, staff and volunteers to ensure appropriate practices and behaviours are followed.
We communicate with our staff and volunteers to ensure they understand and abide by the Academy's policies.
Working with Children Checks
The Academy will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it engages the most suitable and appropriate people to work with children. To minimise the likelihood of engaging (or retaining) people who are unsuitable to work with children, the Academy ensures that all staff, coaches and volunteers over the age of 18, including any person assisting in a supervisory capacity:
Complete NSW Working with Children Checks, that are verified annually
Acknowledge and abide by Academy policies
Complete an appropriate Child Safeguarding training course
Attend regular child safeguarding training arranged by the Academy
Online Courses and Training
Play by the Rules and Sport Integrity Australia have teamed up to create a comprehensive online training section for everyone involved in sport and recreation organisations, including: coaches, administrators, officials, players, parents and spectators.
The Sport Integrity Australia e-Learning hub offers free courses on some of the most important topics in sport, including: child protection, harassment and discrimination and complaint handling. They also offer free online training for Member Protection Information Officers (MPIOs).
By taking these courses you will upgrade your knowledge and skills, which will help to create safer, fairer and more inclusive environments for all people involved in sport.
The courses have been developed in consultation with sports experts who work in these areas. They are short, user-friendly and feature the latest interactive technology, including case studies, practical scenarios and a quiz. The modules may be done in part, or all at once.
Coach, Support Staff, Volunteers and Administration Staff involved with Academy are required to complete this training regularly. ALL academy coaches are required to complete:
PBTR - Child Protection and Safeguarding
About: The PBTR Child Protection and Safeguarding course is designed to help users: Recognise the Child Safe Standards and find relevant Child Protection Legislation; Identify your role in child protection and safeguarding and work through what to do if child abuse occurs in your sport or club; Define the types, signs, risk factors and impacts of child abuse in a sport or club setting; and Identify steps to create a child safe environment in your sport or club.
To see all available courses online for FREE visit the Sport Integrity e-Learning Hub - HERE
Further training and resources are also available at the NSW Office of Children's Guardian, including the Child Safe Standards, Webinars and Application for Working with Children Checks. Click links below for more information.