Athlete Nominations

2025 Sport Program

The Academy is pleased to announce the following nomination information as of 25 March 2024 

Sport ProgramNominations OpenNominations CloseTrial Date / Selection Information


28 March 2025

Sunday 30 March 2025
4:00 - 7:00pm
Gilchrist Oval


The Athlete Nomination Form will be available via the Sport Specific Program page during the nomination period. 

Athletes must meet the current eligibility criteria as published on the Academy’s website.

Please email to receive further information and link to the appropriate nomination form. 


Athlete Selection Process

Athletes must first meet the following eligibility criteria for the sport they are nominating for;

  • Age and/or Gender Specific Criteria 
  • Regional Eligibility i.e.
    • Live within the LGA's of the Academy Catchment Area,
    • Attend School within the LGA's of the Academy Catchment Area,
    • Compete for a registered club (of the sport nominating for) within the LGA's of the Academy Catchment Area


Athletes and Parents are strongly encouraged to read the Academy Eligibility Policyand Guiding Statement(effective September 2023) for further information on determining the athletes Eligibility prior to nominating for selection.


Athletes can be selected into Academy Programs through two main methods.

  • Sporting Trial, or
  • Nomination, performance criteria and/or Interview

Trial dates, lengths, frequency and formats will be finalised with the Academy and publicised as a part of the nominations process.

Sports with an individual athlete focus are often selected based on nominations. These programs should as a part of their selection process, hold interviews for prospective athlete nominees.

Squad, team or position-based sport programs contain levels of subjectivity and as such, are often selected based on performance at trials.

Further information on the Athlete Selection and Validation process can be found in the Athlete Resources section of the website. 


2/298 Queen St,
NSW 2560

Letters to: PO Box 307 Macarthur
Square NSW 2560