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Young athletes can't perform but their learning is on track

Young athletes can't perform but their learning is on track

  SOUTHWEST VOUCE: Eric Kontos on Wednesday, 8 April, 2020 in Featured  The South West Sydney Academy...

A message from Team SWSAS

A message from Team SWSAS

  As our community and country deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, the South West Sydney Academy of Sport has al...

2020 Big Year for our local Sports Academy in more ways than one

2020 Big Year for our local Sports Academy in more ways than one

  The Australian Hockeyroos have earned a spot at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Securing their 11th consecutiv...

National and State Titles for Nakeisha

National and State Titles for Nakeisha

  Competing in the U17's category at the Athletics NSW Junior Championship, Camden jumping athlete Nakeish...

New Year and New Face at Local Academy

New Year and New Face at Local Academy

  As the new year kicks off a lot of sports are also starting up for 2020 and that includes new programs for S...

Softball World Cup selection success

Softball World Cup selection success

  The Macarthur region's junior softballer's have a long history of Australian selection success; and ...

Skiing Young Gun Riding the Slope of Success

Skiing Young Gun Riding the Slope of Success

  South West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) through its Wests Future Stars program is pleased to announce the...

Netball Challenge Accepted

Netball Challenge Accepted

  The first weekend of school holidays saw Netball NSW in conjunction with the Western Region Academy of Sport...

Local Academy BMX Athletes hold top spots in the State

Local Academy BMX Athletes hold top spots in the State

Three of our regions top BMX athletes have travelled the State since February, participating in nine series races ...

Rising stars shine bright at academy graduation dinner

Rising stars shine bright at academy graduation dinner

  In a room brimming with athletic talent, just nine the chosen few were in the running to be named South West Sy...

Academy Athlete America Bound

Academy Athlete America Bound

For athletes world-wide the prospect of gaining a scholarship into the American College System as a student athlete r...

Rory Southwell: BMX ace beats serious injury to win athlete of year award

Rory Southwell: BMX ace beats serious injury to win athlete of year award

The 15-year-old BMX champion from Harrington Park who accepted the honour at the academy's awards dinner should not...

Amazing night of 'youth and Olympic athlete awards'

Amazing night of 'youth and Olympic athlete awards'

The class of 2019 South West Sydney Academy athletes, graduated in style with nearly 600 guests in attendance, at the a...

Our local Sports Academy awaits Council's 'Centre of Excellence' move outcome

Our local Sports Academy awaits Council's 'Centre of Excellence' move outcome

We are well aware of the outstanding achievements of the South West Sydney Academy of Sport. And, the way it quietly g...

Local Star Rolling With 'Aussie Gliders'

Local Star Rolling With 'Aussie Gliders'

It's been a euphoric year for South West Sydney Academy of Sport Wheelchair Basketballer Jess Cronje. Cronje who wa...

Big future in the distance for this throwing athlete

Big future in the distance for this throwing athlete

South West Sydney Academy of Sport through its Wests Future Stars program is pleased to announce the commencement of an...

Local junior fast tracked to representative netball

Local junior fast tracked to representative netball

South West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) netball program graduate Courtney Castle has been turning heads on court for...

Pitcher Perfect for Skilled Teen

Pitcher Perfect for Skilled Teen

A BRADBURY teenager's rocket arm has taken her around the world, representing Australia's green and gold in sof...

Softballers Pitch for the Top

Softballers Pitch for the Top

South West Sydney Academy of Sport girls softball team has triumphed in the grand final of the 2019 Your Local Club Academ...

Master Class from Our Academy Golfers

Master Class from Our Academy Golfers

The South West Sydney Academy of Sport golf program team rose to the occasion at this year's ClubsNSW Academy Games. ...

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