Academy gets Hole in One at Charity Golf DayWritten on the 31 May 2019 by SWSAS
The day started off with a plenty of chatter and networking while the golfers plenished themselves with a hearty breakfast before a big day on the green! Spreading out on the picturesque 18 hole course at Campbelltown Golf Club, the golfers got to meet some of the Academy Golf Squad players. Whom of which showed off their skills, driving the ball down the 14th hole and across the lake on the 3rd. The teams were impressed with the boys and very thankful for helping them lower their score. The luncheon proved a success as there was pure silence when the food was served, bellies were filled with a delicious tasting buffet lunch. There was all around smiles from the Marsdens Law Group team that came in first on the day, taking out the Nett Winner trophy. The Kids of Macarthur team claimed the Scratch Winner prize. And, Event Cinemas Campbelltown took out the Bradman award for the 2nd year in a row with pride. The day would not have been successful if it wasn't for all of our amazing prize donors and generous golf players. A total of $9000 was raised through the generous participants. The South West Sydney Academy of Sport would like to specifically recognise, 'Shorrocks Human Movement and Rehabilitation' for itsNaming Rights Sponsorship on the day and the Campbelltown Catholic Club and Campbelltown Golf Club for their continuous support. Everyone was a winner on the day as everyone's generous donations have assisted our local Academy athletes across all sports to grow and develop their knowledge and skills. SWSAS develops athletes and prepares them for the next stages in their sporting careers. If you would like more information about how SWSAS can support local athletes, please contact James Watson on, Author:SWSAS |