Our athletes are not alone within the Academy Lifecycle, with the Academy’s coach and support staff playing a vital role in the leadership and implementation of these components within the sporting program framework.
Further to actually being the drivers in implementing key components of the framework, our Coach and Support staff have the opportunity to grow and develop within their own experience, thus creating the coaches journey within the Academy Lifecycle.
The Academy Lifecycle and Academy Sport Framework, along with mapping out the athletes journey within the Academy, identifies and maps out the coach and support staff's own journey through the five components. This is done in part, by being an integral part of presenting and facilitating the athletes development within the respective high performance pathways, as well as identifying the coaches own development as a valued member of the Academy.
What follows provides some detail on how coach and support staff can maximise their experience within the South West Sydney Academy of Sport, and identifies the key coach and support staff specific targets and performances outcomes from their involvement within the Academy Sport Framework.
Click on the five core components to read the Performance Outcomes for our Coach and Support Staff.
TARGET: Develop Individual Skill Acquisition Programs in a State performance pathway framework
Performance Outcomes
- Gain practical experience through the development of Individual skill acquisition, and individual performance plans within programs as a part of a State-level performance pathway framework.
- Develop and present an overall training program and regular training sessions to a “State Performance” standard.
- Teach and facilitate training sessions in the fundamental skill development and progression of athletes within their chosen sport.
- Demonstrate skill correction and development of athletes using correct technique, including biomechanical, to assist the athlete progress in their performance pathway.
- Coaching Staff to gain an increased individual and team performance understanding, and the ability to show leadership within their respective sporting environments.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of "Load Management" and facilitate development of an athletes overall individual and team training program.
- Participate in, and undertake additional targeted coach development, education and professional development / training opportunities.
- Facilitate presentation of education sessions in their scope of expertise, and / or assist in the presentation of educational workshops to their athletes.
Performance Outcomes
- Increased participation by Academy coach and support staff at RASi Coaching Conference, Coaching workshops and professional development opportunities.
- Attend State or National Level Coaching Conference / Clinic in their chosen sport
- Attain additional knowledge and/or qualifications whilst an Academy Coach.
- Demonstrate ability to present sport education knowledge and information to Academy level athletes through presentations, clinics and workshop sessions.
- Gain education and experience in current and correct strength and conditioning movement patterns, techniques and programs.
- Gain knowledge and understanding of athlete load management practices, and use of Athlete Monitoring Systems (AMS).
- Lead, Maintain and monitor Sport Science / Strength and Conditioning programs with talent identified athletes.
Performance Outcomes
- Increase working knowledge in key sports science, strength and conditioning practices, including support for own athlete programs, gained from working with professional trainers and service providers.
- Develop additional skills to lead development, maintain and monitor an individual athletes, and team sport specific strength and conditioning programs.
- Regular inclusion of relevant and current techniques and education within the sport program’s skill training and development sessions.
- Develop, monitor and adjust athletes load management in team and individual development program environments through AMS technology.
- Lead and coach a squad of athletes within high level Performance and structured Development Opportunities.
- Develop and execute a game plan in line with high performance and structure.
- Gain knowledge in the use of 'playbook' strategy and video analysis software for use in match planning and review scenarios.
Performance Outcomes
- Grow leadership skills in coaching of athletes, allowing both coach and athlete to grow within these performance opportunities.
- Demonstrate gained knowledge of game plan's and performance coaching in a high pressure environment, including providing feedback to athletes and fellow coaching staff in pre- during- and post- game scenarios.
- Lead athletes and coach development within a camp-structured environment, simulating of State/National level camps, and multiple sport ‘village’ environments.
- Develop and teach the tactical skills of coaching within an environment where winning is not a key focus, and where coaches are regularly mentored in those tactical decisions and discussions.
- Develop match and coaching video analysis techniques for self coaching and athlete performance review and development.
- Be and feel supported in, and by a structured Wellbeing and Support Service program.
- Lead wellbeing activities within the sport program environment.
- Maintain contact with athletes during their representative sporting program.
Performance Outcomes
- Supported by and an active part of a structured wellbeing and support service program.
- Provided encouragement of their own personal growth and development, as well as that of their athletes.
- Ability to facilitate and lead conversations surrounding mental health and wellbeing of themselves and their athletes.
- Mentor athletes and fellow coaching staff in and out of representative sporting seasons
- Seek additional education and support resulting in coaches identifying their own definition of success, purpose statements, coaching values and long-term performance goals and strategies.